We have over 20 years of experience in Property Management as well as an extensive background in the development of multi million dollar townhouse sites, new single family homes, and in the design, renovation, and restoration of existing homes. We also do extensive work across Canada as consultants for the many aspects of developing and managing Housing.
Linda E. Ross, Our Managing Broker
To provide Ethical Property Management Services for commercial and residential properties, which utilize:
“Sacred space is a place where human beings find a manifestation of divine power, where they experience a sense of connected to the universe. There in some special way, spirit is present to them.”
The course outlines for each of these workshops are as follows:
Although this course is specifically designed for First Nations Members living On Reserve/Settlement/Treaty Lands, there are tips for those moving to Urban or Rural settings.
For Fee structure and more detailed information
please call: 250 381-9336 Or e-mail: admin@lindaeross.ca
Although this course is specifically designed for Housing Managers working on Reserve/Settlement/Treaty Lands, it can be adapted for Housing Managers working in Urban Native Housing Societies.
This course is also suitable for all Housing staff, Housing Committee Members and Council Members.
Property Management is at the core of everything Housing Managers do. Maintaining high quality housing stock is the major goal of any Housing Manager. Everything a Housing Manager does, from writing proposals, to managing construction programs, to counselling Tenants, and advising decision makers, should result in better housing conditions for the First Nation.
A Housing Manager’s first responsibility is to ensure that the First Nation’s investment in its housing stock and assets is maintained or enhanced. At the same time, a Housing Manager, must provide the highest level of service possible to the Tenants and users of that property with the funds and resources available.
For Fee structure and more detailed information
please call: 250 381-9336 Or e-mail: admin@lindaeross.ca
As of March 2019, over 200 First Nations’ Members have graduated so far from the “A Course to prepare for Home Rental Or Ownership on First Nations’ Lands” and that over 50 Housing managers have graduated from the “Course to Train Housing Managers on First Nations’ Lands”.
Gimme Shelter has also graduated 3 Trainers that are now able to provide the Gimme Shelter training to their own First Nation.
Participating Nations, so far, include:
Tsawwassen First Nation
Snuneymuxw First Nation
Seine River First Nation
Stu’minus First Nation
Kwadacha Nation
Scia’new First Nation
*NTC Tribal Council for the Housing Managers’ Course and co ordination of the Gimme Shelter Course for Home Rental or Ownership for their Member Nations.
This workshop makes me so proud that First Nations are all learning together. Thanks so much for coming to our Nation.
– Elder
Great course for young adults just starting to move out from home.
– Participant
This course was very helpful in teaching people how to maintain and the basics of housing. This should continue for sure. –
– Participant
Linda’s commitment to affordable housing is evidenced by her many accomplishments, which range from the practical to the prestigious. From property management services and training workshops for housing providers to helping non-profits develop new affordable housing with her expertise as development consultant and community planner, Linda has made her mark on the affordable housing sector in B.C. and beyond. As a former CEO of AHMA, Linda also played a significant role in the transfer of Indigenous social housing to the Aboriginal Housing Management Association. We are proud to congratulate Linda on this well-deserved award.
– Shayne Ramsay, Chief Executive Officer, BC Housing Management Commission
I have long admired Linda for the passion with which she has embraced community building as core throughout her distinguished housing career. Linda’s commitment to ensuring that the vision for Siem Lelum was realized is simply the latest of a long list of inspiring achievements. Mentor, role model and friend, Linda is a rocking, warrior woman!
And I am so happy that Linda is being honoured in this way!
Kathy Stinson CPA, CMA, CIHCM Chief Executive Officer Victoria Cool Aid Society
Linda has worked for many years in our Indigenous community as a champion for people in many areas of social, cultural and housing programming .She has travelled with us in our canoe guiding and paddling to new destinations while learning and practising cultural protocols. Her work has enriched and empowered our communities and is a great example of reconciliation.
Nella Nelson (N’amgis , Musgamakw Dzawada’enuxw Nation) retired Aboriginal Nations Education Administrator / Greater Victoria School District
The Kwadacha Nation (Tsek’ene) is a proud and dynamic Nation located 570 km North of Prince George, British Columbia, at the confluence of the Fox, the Kwadacha, and Finlay rivers in the Rocky Mountain Trench.
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The Binche Keyoh First Nation is located 25km from Fort St. James, British Columbia, at the mouth of the Binche River that drains the Binche Lake into Stuart Lake.
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Linda E. Property Management Inc. (LER), on the behalf of the Scia’new First Nation, assisted in the relocation of all of the month to month campers who were occupying the campground on the Scia’new Nation’s lands by:
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Responsible for the development of a self management model for the delivery of Urban and Rural Aboriginal Housing in British Columbia, of which the agreement was signed with the Province of British Columbia on July 1, 2004;
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As a Consultant for the First Nations Market Housing Fund Linda works with various First Nations across Canada Building Capacity.
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The Victoria Native Friendship Centre (VNFC) has hired Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc. (LER) to develop Siem Lelum (Respected House), which provides 41 units of safe and affordable residential housing for Aboriginal young parents and their children, grandparents raising grandchildren, single young adults who are working and/or attending school, and young adults who are aging out of Foster Care.
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Ready to Rent BC works closely with both service providers and housing providers to support people in finding solutions to their own housing needs.
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Building elders housing, housing policy and procedures, systems development, proposal writing, renovations.
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Clover Place,18 single units for Homeless singles on Douglas and Cloverdale.
Learn More Analysing organizational structure; making recommendations on changes; and re writing position descriptions for Pacifica Housing.
Development and construction of 21 new home including the award winning “Little Big Houses” and the administration building. Paul Merrick gifted the copyright of the drawings.
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Visioning session with the Nation for the Wellness Centre.
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Assisting friendship centres across the province to write proposals for the Aboriginal Housing Initiative grant administered by AHMA.
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As a Consultant for the Capital Region Housing Corporation (CRHC) Linda was responsible for providing expert advice throughout the project and assistance in the development of the CRHC’s strategic plan. This included providing guidance to the Board and senior staff throughout the strategic planning process, developing materials, facilitating the strategic planning session, and creating a final strategic plan report and document for public review and presentation.
The Beckley Farm Housing Co-operative hired Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc. (LER) to project manage an extensive remediation of the patio decks and the building enclosure. This involved working closely with all stakeholders, including the Co-op membership, design team, engineers, and contractors.
Upon purchasing a new office building in Victoria, BC the Social Innovation Centre hired Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc. (LER) for the following services:
The Underwood Family Trust has hired Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc. (LER) as the development consultants to build labour housing on Certificate of Possession (CP) Land on the Tsawout First Nation. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has provided Seed Funding and BC Housing has provided a $3 million dollar grant towards the development of this innovative and much needed project.
And I am so happy that Linda is being honoured in this way!”
Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc currently offers market, co op, urban and on reserve property management services. The managing Broker for this company, Linda E. Ross, has over 20 years of experience in property management, as well as an extensive background in the development of multi-million dollar townhouse sites, new single-family homes, and in the design, renovation, and restoration of existing homes. Linda was the Executive Director of M’akola Housing Group of Societies for over 11 years, and was the President and then CEO of the Aboriginal Housing Management Association for a total of 10 years. Linda also served on the Minister of Housing Advisory Committee for the Provincial Government for 9 years.
In addition to housing its Tenants in safe, Healthy, and affordable Housing. Currently, the goal and objective of Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc is to provide ethical management services for commercial and residential properties, which utilize:
Along with managing the Victoria Native Friendship Centre’s social housing developments Fernwood House and Siem Lelum House, Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc currently offers market and on reserve property management services.
Managing Broker
(250) 381-9336
Business Manager
(250) 361-5738
Wayne Helgason & Linda Ross sharing a laugh with Actor, Adam Beach, at The Tsawout First Nation Gala to rebuild their Longhouse.
Actor, Adam Beach, attended the Gala for the fundraiser and gave an inspirational talk to the attendees. Wayne Helgason, an active advocate for the rights of the Aboriginal peoples in Canada had known Adam when he was a youth.
Linda knew that Adam was a big supporter of adequate, safe and affordable Housing for Aboriginal peoples both off and on reserve.
Adam offered to help with advocacy and possibly lending his name to fundraising efforts for various projects. We are grateful to Adam and look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.
The Moon would never rise if it paid attention to all of the dogs barking at it