Under a General Partnership Agreement with Veronica Doyle and Colleen Kasting, Linda developed a Ready to Rent module for the Stepping Stones Project overseen by a Steering Committee of Executive Director’s of non profit housing providers in the Capital Regional District (CRD). Ready to Rent is a program that is designed to help people learn to attain and maintain safe, healthy, and affordable housing through housing education. Along with helping participants to build their tenancy skills according to the Residential Tenancy Act of British Columbia, the program offers an Aboriginal Curriculum. The overwhelming success of the program has made it a prerequisite of attaining social housing on many First Nations communities in the CRD including, the Tsawout First Nation and the Pauquachin First Nation. Other social housing providers such as BC Housing, M’akola Housing and Pacifica Housing also give extra points to applicants who have successfully completed the course.