As with everyone else in our world, the last year has been a trial both personally and for business. Mostly, I miss my friends and colleagues, I miss entertaining and hugging and feeding people (I love to cook).
The Housing and Infrastructure contract ended in the spring of last year; I gave up my Managing Brokers’ License and my Property Manager’s license; I haven’t been able to deliver Gimme Shelter on site for the last year although I am going to make it available vie Zoom.
I am working with Luma Native Housing and am in a contract with Yellowridge Construction for some very interesting projects, and we continue working on the 28 unit apartment building we are building on the Tsawout First Nation. I have also been training a few Housing Managers on First nations. So life is never dull – just different. I have enjoyed staying off the road this year as I was getting a little road weary, living out of a suitcase and wondering where I was when I woke up in the morning. I do miss the adventure, though – flying in to remote communities in the far North, getting lost in blizzards and experiencing all of the rich
cultures in our magnificent country.
With the vaccines being administered, I am so excited to be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel and looking forward to seeing my friends, family and colleagues and feeding them so much food they won’t be able to move off the couch.
To all of those who have lost loved ones, I send you my deepest condolences, to those who are feeling depressed, I send you hugs and hope that you too can see that we are at a turning point in all of this. I hope we all emerge with a renewed sense of our humanity towards each other and respect for the fragile earth that we inhabit. Sending love and hope….Linda

I am very pleased to announce that I have taken on an acting position with the Housing and Infrastructure Council (HIC) of B.C. as their Executive Director.

“HIC is working to create a First Nation controlled housing and infrastructure authority (Authority) in British Columbia. Once established, the Authority will assume responsibility for First Nations housing and infrastructure services and associated programs in BC.”

“Creation of an Authority is a step towards indigenous self government and the goals of First Nations and federal governments for housing transformation under the federal government’s national indigenous Housing Strategy and the Assembly of First Nations’ national First Nations Housing Strategy. It also contributes towards the Government of Canada’s directive to transfer its delivery of indigenous services to indigenous control. It also reinforces the indigenous view that housing decisions should be in the hands of indigenous people.”

March 28, 2019

For Immediate Release

Linda Ross, Managing Broker of Linda E. Ross Property Management Inc., has wonthe 2019 Community Builder Award from the Canadian Housing and RenewalAssociation (CHRA). The award will be presented at the 2019 CHRA Conference in Victoria, BC.

She receives this award in recognition of her lifetime spent in the effort to produce affordable not-for-profit housing for Indigenous people in communities throughout Canada, and her tireless advocacy for housing as the cornerstone of living dignity, hope and possibility for all people.

She has been a housing innovator, a tireless champion for new housing funding, a contributor of her experience and expertise wherever those might make a difference, a skilled administrator and project manager, generous with her time on a countless boards, committees, conferences, professional workshops and public

She has been extraordinarily skilled at communicating the messages of shelter, housing and community, and has never been satisfied unless a housing outcome truly enhanced a sense of human possibility and a sense of belonging, as well as putting a roof over someone’s head.

She has, in a word, dedicated her life to making a positive difference in any way and any situation that would create shelter and give heartfelt meaning to the word ‘home.’

Linda is nothing less than a Canadian housing hero. Her lifetime of effort and long list of accomplishments and successes is deservedly reflected by this Community Builder Award.