
Located on the North Shore of Lake Huron, the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation (Sagamok) is comprised of over 2000 members, half of whom live on reserve. Sagamok is a beautiful community of rich stories, legends and history that derive from time immemorial. Known for its diversity, prosperity and growth, the Sagamok believe that the development of a strong local economy will help to empower its’ people along their journey towards autonomy and self-sufficiency.Sagamok Housing Committee

The Serpent River First Nation, a signatory to the Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850, is an Anishinaabe First Nation in the Canadian province of Ontario, located midway between Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury along the North Channel of Lake Huron.

The First Nation’s traditional territory extends from this waters of the North Channel of Lake Huron, Serpent River Basin; north beyond the city of Elliot Lake.[1]

The Serpent River nation has a traditional land base of 5250 square kilometers.

Cheryl and I had a great couple of days together

Cheryl and I had a great couple of days together

Sagamok Housing CommitteeLocated on the North Shore of Lake Huron, the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation (Sagamok) is comprised of over 2000 members, half of whom live on reserve. Sagamok is a beautiful community of rich stories, legends and history that derive from time immemorial. Known for its diversity, prosperity and growth, the Sagamok believe that the development of a strong local economy will help to empower its’ people along their journey towards autonomy and self-sufficiency.Sagamok Housing Committee

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