
Chaw-In-Is & LilaChaw-In-Is is our new Tenant Support Worker who we have hired on behalf of the Victoria Native Friendship Centre to support our Tenants and Applicants. The funds for this position came from the Aboriginal stream of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS). Chaw-In-Is is pictured here with my dear friend Lila, a respected Elder in our community.

The Tsawout First Nation is located on Vancouver Island on one of the most spectacular traditional territories anywhere. I have had the pleasure of working with the Tsawout First Nation for many years, most recently through the First Nations Market Housing fund to assist with Housing Policy, writing a Maintenance Manual, training on Property Management software and exploring Housing Authority models. The Tsawout are very progressive and are pursuing a commercial development to benefit their people economically.

We have once again been blessed with visiting one of the most beautiful places on the planet with a rich history and yet another great First Nation to work with.

There is a magnificent view of the territory from the Midnight Dome where we had our first glimpse of Dawson City and the Klondike River flowing into the Yukon River.
We were told many stories, one of which was how the Tr’ondek Hwech’in people who are part of the Han meaning “People of the River”, were displaced from their seasonal hunting and fishing grounds by the Gold Rush.

The Tr’ondek Hwech’in lost much of their language which they are now reviving. When their traditional territories became overwhelmed with people coming to find their fortune in Gold the Tr’ondek Hwech’in gave their stories and songs to their Alaskan relatives for safe keeping. These stories and songs are now also being revived.

The First Nations Market Housing Fund sent us to Dawson City to help the Tr’ondek Hwech’in people strengthen their Housing and Infrastructure Department as Housing is such an important issue for all of the First nations in Canada, especially to people living in the far North with its extreme climate.
Linda with Jackie Olsen, Executive Director of the Tr'ondek Hwech'in & talented artistLinda & Jorn, Hosuing & Infrastructure Director

© Linda E. Ross 2012

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